Wednesday, April 23, 2008

DemTV at the Michigan Federation of College Democrats Annual Conference! | 4.20.08

Special Edition! DEMTV reports on location in East Lansing, at the Michigan Federation of College Democrats Annual Conference.

Dana, Josh, and the rest of the UM College Democrats deliver highlights of the day's events, and exclusive interviews with other chapters, and even some big-name Michigan Politicians.

Featured in this episode: Gov. Jennifer Granholm, Lt. Governor John Cherry, MDP Chair Mark Brewer, National College Dems President Lauren Wolfe, Candidate for State Rep Marlon Brown, College Democrats from MSU, NMU, Henry Ford Community College, Graham Davis, "Liberal Lucy", Chris Stergalas, Derek Dobies, Nathaniel Styer, Kim Dancy, Danny Abosch, Dana Cronyn, Josh Strazanac

Download our podcast! Search "DEMTV" in the iTunes music store, or use this link:

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Jingle! |

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