Monday, November 23, 2009

DemTV | Episode 3, Season 3 | 11.11.09

Tonight's Top Stories:
+ Nancy Pelosi shoots trademark glare at legislators, House health care bill passes
+ Sarah Palin visits West Michigan for book tour, adds foreign policy experience to resume.
+ Random musings with Zach "Yakkity Slack" Martin.

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Tags: university michigan college democrats politics news obama palin mccain biden bush pelosi health care bill house senate going rouge musings zach martin

Friday, November 6, 2009

DemTV | Episode 2, Season 3 | 10.28.09

Tonight's top stories:
+ Bush gets back on the horse, and then promptly falls back off.
+ Foxes loses battle over Obama and attacks fruit breakfast cereals instead
+ DemTV locates Obama's secret enemies list locked securely in Chaney's left over man-sized safe
+ DemTV ambushes one of the founders of the shadow organization Students for Obama

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Download our podcast. Search "DEMTV" in the iTunes music store, or use this link:

Tags: university michigan college democrats politics news obama palin mccain biden bush get motivated fruit loops health care socialism fall break enemies list